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Category Archives: Dog Blog


Written on June 6, 2010 at 3:52 pm, by

The training in the field was going well this morning until I had to run Mighty on a check cord.  Now, the problem is that she is not a bad dog or anything; she just needs a gentle reminder to bring birds back to me.  She was running and found her clip wing pigeon, sheContinue Reading

House Full of Family

Written on May 29, 2010 at 1:14 am, by

The house is full family for the weekend holiday.  We are all having a great time conversing around the fire and playing with puppies.  The babies will get plenty of attention with weekend for sure…I guarantee it.  Kahlua and Trixie schemed to pull down a tray full of cookies…they were successful….Aaron heard them outside so,Continue Reading

Kahlua x Ace Summer Puppies Blog 3

Written on May 26, 2010 at 10:32 pm, by

The puppies are all snuggled into momma’s utter with a mouth full of nipple drifting into sleep…yes, I can tell when they are sleeping even though their eyes are still shut.  They actively twitch in their dreams; how they get any actual sleep is beyond me.  I am going to try the unthinkable; I amContinue Reading

SoBe Pregnancy Update

Written on May 25, 2010 at 10:13 pm, by

SoBe is getting very big and her waddling is getting slower.  Her waist is now 27 inches around; her normal waist measurement is 14 inches.  She is having problems getting up on the bed and the couches so, now she is opting for the floor.  She pleads with me to pick her up and putContinue Reading

Spring Dog Blog 5

Written on April 14, 2010 at 5:41 pm, by

I introduced the puppies (Mighty, Kane, and Beret) to the buoy launcher; it went great.  No worries of them being gun shy…wooh whooo!

Video of Tim with our Puppies

Written on April 12, 2010 at 4:20 pm, by

embedded by Embedded Video Tim whistling with Kane, Beret, and Mighty.  The poochie holding what is left of a stuffed Tigger toy is Beret.

Video; Kane with Clip Wing Pigeon

Written on April 12, 2010 at 4:09 pm, by

embedded by Embedded Video Kane retrieving a clip wing pigeon.  The beginning of the video is me grabbing an aloof pigeon…..he had no idea what was his fate (the pigeon).

Spring Dog Blog 5

Written on April 12, 2010 at 7:02 am, by

Tim was away this weekend for Army at Ripley so, I was able to get a bunch of training in with the puppies (Mighty, Kane, and Beret).  They are progressing wonderfully.  Beret is still a little challenging on her delivery but, we can fix that.  Kane is retrieving perfectly with a great delivery.  Mighty isContinue Reading

Spring Dog Blog 4

Written on April 10, 2010 at 12:13 pm, by

“They are little thieves!”  That is the quote which is repeated consistently in our house by an irritated Tim.  The puppies (Mighty, Kane, and Beret) have a tendency to find missing socks and proudly share them with us; I guess that it is not only socks but, that is what erks my hubby the most. Continue Reading

Spring Dog Blog 3

Written on April 8, 2010 at 7:04 pm, by

As I sit here typing there is 5 dogs out.  Kane is counter surfing as I yell at him now..hold on….well, he did not get anything worth while off the counter.  If he wants to lick crumbs that is fine with me; it means there is less for me to wipe off later tonight.  BeretContinue Reading