When Tim and I bought a new bed a couple years ago I was convinced that a queen would be big enough; Tim shook his head in disbelief and chuckled, “whatever you want dear….I think we should go bigger.” Well, the hubby was right. Last night I spent most of the night trying to moveContinue Reading
embedded by Embedded Video Minty in the field retrieving pigeons…she is learning so fast! I am excited to start quartering her. She is my little girl with lots of spunk and go!
embedded by Embedded Video Trixie and Kahlua helped me set up the Christmas Tree…..they watched with interest as I hanged all the stockings….Yes all 14 of them. Tim is gone again; he is at Fort Lee in Virgina. I know that he will be excited that the tree is up. He has been bargaining withContinue Reading
Took Mini into the vet the other day just to have her looked over; she has been extraordinarily whiny and weepy. The ultrasound showed happy active puppies; we stopped counting at 6. I could see their little spines and ribs and one even waved at me with its tiny paw. Mini is being especially vocal;Continue Reading
embedded by Embedded Video Rainy day here at the Gorecki House……I am getting better with putting videos together! The wind is shaking the house and the dogs are going stir crazy; the sleet and snow are on the way….ugh! Enjoy my, “My Girls” having fun!
Rain….do I need to say more? The poochies went out and came in looking like Black Labs, needless to say, they all received baths; it was a lot of work spraying down all those dogs. The towels were soaked; I could get 3 dogs dried off with one towel. When towels go on sale IContinue Reading
embedded by Embedded Video Trixie, Micro, and Logic playing in the living room with Mini watching. Mini has been moody the last week…ugh (she better be pregnant because I am not putting up with the attitude for nothing)! My friend Andy made a count down to when puppies are due that is located on theContinue Reading
Mini is home and I am ecstatic….my shadow is home! Tim is a little less enthused because now he has a furry barrier between him and me in the bed ( I would like to state that he does not complain when the weather is freezing and she keeps him warm). I am hoping thatContinue Reading
The trialing season started yesterday (Saturday, October 2) and I ran SoBe and Miata. Miata was out in the first series. SoBe had an Ok first series but a FANTASTIC 2nd series with two 50 yard retrieves (she buttoned both of them). She ran great could of not asked for anything more. Her first seriesContinue Reading